Jeffrey A Kern
Akerman Senterfitt's attorneys provide legal counsel in over forty different areas of law.
Taxes can severely erode, even devastate, personal capital. The Capital Preservation Group at Akerman Senterfitt provides a unique service to substantial net-worth individuals by greatly reducing and/or postponing the impact taxes can take have personal and family assets.
Our practice is built around innovative concepts and methods that we have developed over the years in response to the diverse needs of highly sophisticated clients. The group includes highly experienced tax and estate planning counsel and a full-time financial analyst, supported by Akerman Senterfitt’s outstanding Corporate groups (one of the largest in the southeastern United States).
Our capital preservation strategies include:
- Deferring or eliminating large capital gains
- Overcoming “negative basis†problems with investment real estate
- Minimizing or eliminating estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer taxes
- Deferring or eliminating income taxes on interest and dividends
- Maximizing the tax benefits of charitable giving
- Supplementing these challenging situations, we also do traditional estate planning, probate, trust and guardianship work, personal income tax and tax planning related to business entities.
Whether starting out in life or preparing for retirement, the legal objectives in structuring assets are largely related to tax minimization and management control. Myriad legal tools are at one's disposal to protect and pass on wealth. Fortunately, Akerman Senterfitt attorneys are versed in, and experienced with, every strategy within the law. In fact, through our active Government practice, we helped write many of the statutes and administrative rules that govern this area of practice.
Unfortunately, many people fail to address issues concerning estates and their succession before it is too late. We are here to present our clients all their options and to help them get the most out of life with a minimum of worry over the future.
- Business Succession Planning
- Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
- Elder Law Considerations
- Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Planning
- Retirement Planning
Board Certified Attorney, Wills, Trusts & Estates - Florida Bar
Jeffrey A Kern
Akerman Senterfitt
1 SE 3rd Ave - 25th floor
Miami FL 33131-1715
Tel: 305 374-5805
Fax: 305 349-4689
Practice Areas:
* Capital Preservation, Private Client Services
* Personal, Business and Family Wealth Planning, Taxation - General
Awards & Recognition:
* Martindale-Hubbell, AV Rated
